Saturday, August 13, 2011

punk rock jalanan

Friday, August 12, 2011

community posting at KUDAT..hehe

ni kali dkt kudat..bestnya dpt jln2 p kudat hehe..mula2 smpai d kudat kitorng jln2 dkt pekan sikuati. Bnyak smpah di sekitar dia..dlm fikiran sy, 'pekan ni kotor sngt la..'.tp sy lupa yg hari tu ada tamu dekat pekan 2.that is why nampak kotor lgpn ptg dh msa 2.. hari strusnya pekan tu bersih dh.. next dy praktikal dh dkt klinik 2. staff klinik KKIA bgus2 orgnya. layanan mereka sma kami xda diskriminasi, maklumlah kitorng ni bukn KKM student.

sepanjang minggu 2 kmi hbiskn peluang yg ada utk jln2 d sekitar daerah kudat..
akhirnya sy dpt menjejakkn kaki d SIMPANG MENGAYAU hehe..

ni pic yg smpt kmi amk msa dkt kudat..

p/s: Kudat daerah yg cantik!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

community nursing..

otw to kudat right now..lord bless our journey.

harap2 smua berjalan lancar.. i can't predict anything other than put hoping on it..mcm sy akan lonely sna nnt tp i will never let it happen to me..ramai kwn2 sy jga 2. even maybe dia xmw kwn but the others friend will do. qka, sabar ja ko..learn to say i can n owez think positives okey..

Friday, July 29, 2011

monthly Nurses Mass @ CDC

wah best ni..300 org students termasuk bbrpa org staff hospital. thanx Lord for bring me n my friends to attend the yesterday's mass.. tuhan, berkati juga mereka yg x berkesempatan dtg 2 misa.

kmi p jumpa mdm. sylvia, CI nursing aseana slps misa..kmi kenal dia sebb dia 2 ramah n baik sma kami hehehe..cerita pnya cerita, ni ayat best dia yg sy suka.. "semua yg kita bg sma org len dengan ikhls, kita akn dpt balik dengan berganda..".sy sokong pa mdm sylvia ckp..

p/s: jadi, janganlah kedekut. harta kita ni milik Tuhan. He have the power to take it back from us..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to calculate period of gestation (POG) manually

1. know the last menstrual period (LMP)
2. calculate from date of LMP until the date of today

eg: LMP : 14.4.2011

                   this 3 month is 13 week = 13/52

so today is 20.7.2011, minus 14 from 20 (20-14) = 6day

so, plus the week and the day = 13/52 + 6/7..

52 is total of week per year
7 is total of day per week.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Promosi Kesihatan di Kampung Batu Putih, Kinabatangan

health promotion??
Health promotion atau promosi kesihatan diadakan dengan tujuan meningkatkan taraf kesihatan orang ramai (komuniti), penduduk luar bandar terutamanya.
last week starting from 25hb June - 6hb July, we held this health campaign program at Kinabatangan, Sandakan. what a such wonderful and memorable memory. There are lots of things i have learned from this program. 
Actually ni program diwakili bukan student nursing sahaja tetapi didominasikan oleh pelatih doktor. Kami seramai 14 orang, 2 orang pelajar makmal perubatan, 5 pelajar nursing & 9 orang student doctor. kami tidak kenal antara satu sama lain sebelum ni. tetapi, kerana matlamat program kami ni sama so kami menjadi team yang baru. the best things to remember, student doctor ni baik2 n x sombong begitu juga dgn medical lab student. sporting2 ja ni smua..
selama 10hari program ni berlansung, kami menyewa sebuah rumah milik salah satu kluarga dlm kampung tu. team kesihatan dari UMS menjadi keluarga yg baru d sana hehehe. rumah baru 2, kami yg rasmi hehe.

bestnya d kg. batu putih 2..penduduk dia dekat 2ribu orang. punya ramai tu..ada sekolah rendh, klinik desa, masjid dan ada mini museum, museum Batu Tulug. gambar- gamabar ada di bawah..jom kita tngk..

larian satu malaysia day..

pic atas batu putih

keranda berukir dalam gua d museum batu tulug

ajar budak sekolah rendah proper handwashing

team health campaign


teach how to brush teeth (proper way)

hand washing

batu putih yg ada human figure

bersama payau peliharaan, called Manis


Bersama Ketua Kampung n JKKK kg. Batu Putih, serta Supervisor..

ni link berita harian pasal agop batu tulug d kampung ini..

Saturday, June 25, 2011


 last night i was asked how to induce unwanted pregnancy by someone i used to closet. i just duno what to say. i'm quite shocked. her urine pregnancy test (UPT) were found positive. she just tell me that she was pregnant about 6weeks. i really sorry for her but i can't help much. she also still student just like me. but she study under goverment so she really will be punished because of getting pregnancy during studying. she just engage last year. she ask me what she should do. honestly i just have no idea. she then persuade me to tell her how to kill the fetus since i were studying nurse. my dear friend, i haven't taught or teach how to kill that poor fetus. we just taught n teach how to improve community's healthy life. if i teach you how to kill then what the point of mine to study this nursing course. for me, nursing is all about learning how to love the other person..
i really get stuck last night. are she going to kidding me or it is true?.. what should i say to answer her request? finally i just leave my que to my trusted clinical instructor. sorry la ar ms.i disturb u with my friends problem..anyway..thnx God. i just have an idea what exactly i should say to my friend after my CI gave the best answer. what my CI say was, 'u just ask her to go n c doctor. do not give her any advise because if she get misunderstanding than get severe complication than you will be blamed.let the doctor solve her problem'. ya ms..u are right. thanx 4 d advise. and still, i have to help her to find another best solution. i believe there's must something that can help us out of this trouble situation.
i pray to the Lord. Amen. 

p/s: yea, studying in nursing is not easy as we can see. its really challenge my faith.
anyway..i prefer to leave all my worries and difficulty in His hand. since He promised to care for me.thanx Lord.. (1 peter 5:7)