Saturday, April 30, 2011

OSCE (O&G) reflection..

finally O&G OSCE is over.. Thanx Lord for Ur assistance. i realize that i can't do nothing without U. i already done my best. whatever the outcome is, I present it to U. once again i discover my weakness. i just want to improve it but i duno how..before the exam, i already make a full preparation but when the OSCE's come, i become blur and i will act like i haven't practice it before.
i should improve my communication skills and the knowledge as well.ada ka patut sy jawab other source of calcium other than milk is leafy veges. saboo je la.. broccoli, dairy milk, sardines are supposed to be.

the day after exam(OSCE) one of my tutors ask me and 13 of my friends to demonstrate breast self examination (BSE) and give health education to our junior (yr1 student nursing) 5 students per group. i thought maybe we are the worst during exam that day that is why she ask us to demonstrate it once again. whatever the reasons is, i accepts it. i think my tutor want us to improve our self confident.

the next day (29/4/11), my tutor show us the feedback from our junior (just happened yesterday). what i didn't expect are the positives comments is reach 17 comments while the negatives is only 2 whereas the suggestion is 4. they suggest me to do more practices to prevent me to stuck to remember the next point, improves English Grammar (hahaha), and be relax during giving health education. 
thanx juniorku..your feedback really meaningful to me.. with your feedback, i can discover my weakness and realize my talents(haha knun la..) 

anyway thanx ms. sally and the junior^^..GBU.