Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Prepare to Meet your God, Angelica Zambrano (23 Horas Muerta)

Prepare to Meet your God, Angelica Zambrano (23 Horas Muerta)

Monday, May 16, 2011

posting at PCU ward.

ni hari pertama dlm week terakhir posting d PCU for this sem. next sem is sem6. td bh kn, skit ja ni nursing care kmi dpt bt. bukn apa tp patient sy n kwn sy 2 seja sbb yg seorg bru ja discharge n seorg lg mw discharge. apapn sy enjoy la jga. kmi check medication stock td. 

td bh kna tnya ni apa 2 ubt dextamethasone. sy nda ingt ow..bila buka buku bru sy ingt blik.rupanya ubt 2 utk manage adrenocortical insufficiency. dia 2 corticosteroid tp long acting pnya. therapeutic effect dia ialh supression of inflammation and modification of the normal immune response.
lagi ubt ialah hyoscine N-Butylbromide a.k.a buscopan. ubt ni digunakan utk mengurangkan sakit perut (in medical word: control of gastric secretion).

slps rest td kn, ms kmi sempt share a little bit about nursing. bnyk dia c kongsi. tym dia bcrita 2 sometym kmi x rasa yg dia 2 tutor kmi tp lebih kpd kwn baik yg bg nasihat.. i love it. ms ckp, mw jdi nurse ni mmg bnyk cabaran. kna marah 2 perkara normal n dont ever take it too hard. sbnarnya dorang yg sllu marah kita 2 care for us. they didn't want us become useless nurse but a knowledgeable nurse. bh ylh kn..if teda yg tegur kita 2 kita pn xkn tw pa sbnar mslah kita. dorng pn x mw kna bg nursing care yg teruk if they fall sick one day.

tnpa sy sedar sy pn jadi peka atw sensitive tntg ksihatn n kbersihan berbanding sblm sy amk ni kos nurse. awal2 dlu mmg sy rasa mw jdi nurse ni satu penyeksaan ja sbb sy mmg x minat. tp sy percaya Tuhan ada rencana sendiri utk sy. He want me to serve the other people. Br. Derek ckp, studying of nurse means learn how to love and care for the other people. i deadly agree wif that. now i realize that this my calling. my passion is to care and make other people happy by give them comfortable no matter what type of care i gave. i guess la.sbb i will more happy when the people around me especially my loves happy with what i have done to them/ help them.. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

nurses are agents of changes^^

wow!! its awesome, wonderful, amazing, and passionate. that's all i can say about the retreat that held a retreat centre, Kionsom Inanam.

i gain a new experience about christian life through all activities. Thanx Lord. U are the greatest Master in this poor world.

the theme of the retreat was " Nurses agents of changes"..

this are some pictures;


candle within paper cup

that's why this camp called fire camp..^^
family photo^^

here we are..smiling faces..

God is always presents.. He never leave us.

studying of nurses is means learn how to LOVE the others.
remember!! To choose means to LovE^^

Friday, May 13, 2011

13 May

ptg ni p ikut 2 retret yg bertemakn nurses are agent of change..klu nda silap sy la..
harap2 smua berjalan dgn lancar jga.Amen^^

nurses Day celebration..

thanx Lord..smua aktiviti berjalan lancar td spt yg Engkau ingini. thnx sbb menghadirkn kwn2 yg bgi kerjasam serta mereka2 yg kami jemput..x sangka plan yg dibuat secara mendadak( plan yg hari 2) n hari 4 mlm kmi jalankan..thnx kpd smua yg terlibat sbb menjayakn nurses day celebration dgn baik..kmi percaya smuanya dtg dari kebaikanMu Tuhan.. kmi ada exchange gift kn, sy dpt tmpt pensil yg rupa dia..

lawa kn..sungguh bermakna^^

ni pla rupa 2 balang kaca bila kmi sdh siap masukkn stars n decorate it..lawa jga la.
haha org yg dapat teka jumlah bintang dlm balang ni sabar ja la ko ar..knpa pla?? hadiah pemenang dia, termasuklah ni balang kaca yg ada bintang dlm dia..

that's all 4 2nite^^

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

health promotion??

next sem ada health promotion..2 weeks. what i didn't expect are, my name was accidentally swapped with another my friend. just because we have the same name. tp xpa la..mna tw sy dpt sstu yg sy x prnah trfkir sblm ni. klu dulu sy mw  sngt p sandakan tp skg hilang minat dh..sbb sy dh setkn minda yg nnt tym p health promotion d kota marudu ja...but now, TERpg d sandakan pla..k la,xpa.apa pn biarlh.mna tw ada sejarah terindah akan tercipta d sana sandakan wait for me k..ahaha

Sunday, May 1, 2011

again and..again..

finally paeds case study finished even though not yet completed. i just need to put the contents and my reflections. now..i'm going to continue my psychiatric cases study. hopefully 2moro night i could complete both of my case study (assigmnt)..otherwise gagal..ama..i don't want ow..punya penat ni.
last week i have planned to go back to my villages but i still have no time. i really miss my family at kampung..
hopefully next week i could go back freely. no doubt that being a student nurse is a challenges. now i'm yr 3 but i still not competence.. there's a lot of things to do..but i just can't manage my time sometimes.
next sem is the new story. i have to prepare it from now on. i know i can't do nothing without God. anyway, i have to go on.. i have my own mission. to get it, i must climb the mountain no matter how stiff it is.

13 June is first day of last sem.. 6th semester. community, critical care and management is the focus one.
anyway...all da best. just believe that God always within u q'ka^^.